domingo, 9 de março de 2014

Leituras avulsas

1) O azar e o gosto
É no cinema e nos romances que encontro com frequência indivíduos que agem por motivos complexos, contraditórios, minuciosos, subtis; ao passo que no quotidiano mal me lembro de observar um comportamento que não seja previsível, banal, evidente. Talvez tenha azar com as pessoas. Ou bom gosto estético.
Pedro Mexia
 2)  Sobre A Potência do Pensamento, de Giorgio Agamben, hoje no Público

 3) Are You Smarter than a 5-Year-Old? Preschoolers Can Do Algebra

Millions of high school and college algebra students are united in a shared agony over solving for x and y, and for those to whom the answers don’t come easily, it gets worse: Most preschoolers and kindergarteners can do some algebra before even entering a math class.

4) Precious Memories

But for the past seven years, maybe more, dementia has drawn the curtains closed on Dean Smith's mind. Now he is 83 and almost no light gets out. He has gone from forgetting names to not recognizing faces to often looking at his friends and loved ones with empty stares.

5) Please Touch the Art 

Still, there is a transgressive element to feeling art rather than simply admiring it. Everybody says “don’t touch” in museums. The visually impaired are perhaps the lone exception to that rule.

6) The Decline of Rural America, Captured in Replicas of Decaying Homes

7) The Wrath of Putin

Mikhail Khodorkovsky was the richest man in Russia when he dared confront then president Vladimir Putin, criticizing state corruption at a meeting with Putin in February 2003 (...) The clash of two titans, each of whom has badly underestimated the other.  

8) “The world is a dynamic mess of jiggling things, if you look at it right.”  

9) The Sound of Difference

Why we find some languages more beautiful than others.

10) Why Carl Sagan is Truly Irreplaceable 

No one will ever match his talent as the “gatekeeper of scientific credibility”